Mimì ist Poesie
Die Sopranistin Ailyn Pérez singt erstmals an der Wiener Staatsoper die Mimì in »La bohème«
Die Sopranistin Ailyn Pérez singt erstmals an der Wiener Staatsoper die Mimì in »La bohème«
Tan delicada como poderosa, de fraseo teatral y cargado de pequeños portamentos que dotaban a su canto de acentos y expresividad
Pérez, unsurprisingly, is a musically ravishing Mimi.
Mimì’s story is universal. It’s about love, hope, and the fragility of life.
Pérez’s voice welled up, darked-hued and expansive, Verdi’s melodies exuded foreboding. She made smaller moments count, too...
Su voz plenamente lírica, con tonalidades doradas levemente satinadas en la zona central, cuadra cabalmente con la partitura
La soprano mexicana Ailyn Pérez triunfó en su debut en Madrid y conquistó al Teatro Real con su impactante interpretación de Madama Butterfly.
The middle of Pérez’s soprano is rich and molten, which colored every phrase with passion and emotion.
Soprano Ailyn Pérez was simply stellar as Magda.
Pérez took the last note down to a pianissimo and held it—like Butterfly clinging to her fantasy.
The cast that the Met assembled for this revival of Poulenc’s Dialogues of the Carmelites in the timeless John Dexter production was exceptional.
Florencia en el Amazonas—the Metropolitan Opera’s first main-stage production in Latin American Spanish—takes audiences on an immersive journey
La soprano Ailyn Pérez no puede ocultar la alegría que le produce participar en esta obra que será transmitida como película en salas de cine de diferentes países.
La ópera mexicana Florencia en el Amazonas se transmite desde la MetOpera al Auditorio Nacional el 9 de diciembre a las 12:00 horas.
Qui mieux que la soprano américaine pouvait incarner la protagoniste de Florencia en el Amazonas de Daniel Catan (1949-2011), pour son entrée au répertoire du Metropolitan Opera de New York ?
It’s the early 1900s, and the steamship El Dorado makes its way along the Amazon River towards Manaus, a city in the heart of the Brazilian rainforest. Onboard is the world-famous opera singer Florencia Grimaldi.
Florencia en el Amazonas opened recently at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, a company Pérez keeps returning to.
Por primera vez en varias décadas, una ópera en español: Florencia en el Amazonas, se estrena en el escenario más importante de los Estados Unidos.
Pérez is, appropriately, the uncontested star: wistful, tender and sincere, her voice not enormous but generously delivered, her high notes glistening.
Tal vez por primera vez estoy encarnando un papel que uno escucha, pero que además siente
La soprano Ailyn Pérez (Chicago, 1979) de padres y orígenes mexicanos es la protagonista de Florencia en el Amazonas de Daniel Catán.
History is unfolding at the Metropolitan Opera with the debut of the Spanish-language opera “Florencia en el Amazonas.”
De raíces mexicanas, Ailyn Pérez es la protagonista de ‘Florencia en el Amazonas’
Perez’s choice was one of Manuel Ponce’s lush songs, “Estrellita,” which she gave a luscious performance.
"I cannot tell you how meaningful it is for me to be singing in Spanish on the stage of the Met, and it’s a soulful honor to be in the first Met opera by a Mexican composer"
...il pubblico lo sa, lo sente e molti sono gli applausi per lei alla fine, il teatro pieno in ogni ordine di posti tributa alla nuova Cio-Cio-San l’ovazione che merita: non possiamo che darle il benvenuto, di cuore.
Long a rising star, she is getting a new Metropolitan Opera production built around her, the house’s first Spanish-language show in nearly a century.
...in the enormous title role, soprano Ailyn Pérez was a force of nature.
Soprano Ailyn Pérez learned the basics of Rusalka’s plot as a child.
The Santa Fe Opera is staging the Antonín Dvorák classic beginning on Saturday, July 22.
Atemberaubend die Strophen ihres Weiden-Lieds, voller Glaube das Ave Maria, aus edelmürben Spitzentönen wie verglimmend bis in hauchzarte Pianissimi hinein...
Among the best performances… perhaps was ‘Vicino a te’, the passionate death duet from Giordano’s Andrea Chenier sung with ringing fervor by soprano Ailyn Pérez and tenor Michael Fabiano
American soprano Ailyn Pérez was a lyrical and ideal Mimì
Soprano Ailyn Pérez takes over as the terminally ill seamstress Mimì, tenor Joshua Guerrero is the poet Rodolfo and Michele Mariotti will be in the pit.
Los cantantes estadounidenses de origen mexicano Ailyn Pérez y Joshua Guerrero son los protagonistas de la producción futurista de La Bohème que se estrena el 2 de mayo en la Ópera Nacional de París.
Originaires du monde entier, les treize chanteurs de l’Académie « Opera for Peace » ont travaillé, du 13 au 20 avril, avec cinq artistes chevronnés
A unos días de protagonizar Falstaff, la soprano de origen mexicano se emociona al hablar de su próximo proyecto.
Pérez was tremendously clear and full...
San Francisco und London, Mailand und Zürich, Wien, Berlin und Glyndebourne - die US-amerikanische Sopranistin Ailyn Pérez ist gut gebucht.
La soprano de raíces mexicanas Ailyn Pérez busca cambiar la perspectiva sobre los hispanos en el mundo de la ópera.
"I've been crying my eyes out for a couple of days."
Pérez ingeniously deployed her warm, vivacious soprano as a Blanche who could hide in a convent from the world but not from herself.
The glamorous singer stars as Blanche de la Force in Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmélites, beginning January 15, and Alice Ford in Verdi’s Falstaff, beginning March 12.
Ailyn Pérez in Elisabetta di Valois, ha fatto emergere quei diversi aspetti della vocalità sopranile nel Verdi maturo, dalle reminiscenze belcantistiche alla drammaticità che sarà di lì a poco di Aida.
Ailyn Pérez will make her role debut as Elisabetta adding another pivotal Verdi role to her repertoire.
Ailyn Perez, in demand at some of the world's leading opera houses, will serve as the special guest soloist and she joined us today with a preview.
La Orquesta Sinfónica de Dallas (DSO) ofrecerá un tradicional concierto para conmemorar el Día de Muertos el martes 1 de noviembre.
Pérez's Mimì is beautifully nuanced and stimulating; whenever she sings her arias she delivers a soothing tone that immediately draws the audience in... her rendition of "Sì, mi chiamano Mimì" is absolutely stunning.
Ailyn Pérez zählt in den USA wie in Europa zu den gefragtesten Sopranistinnen dieser Tage – eine »Figaro«-Serie in Hamburg eröffnete Yeri Han kurz vor der Sommerpause die Gelegenheit, mit der tiefenentspannten Sängerin i
Ailyn Pérez war hierfür die ideale Besetzung, ihre langen, mozartlichen Melodien – das Markenzeichen des Salzburgers, so zu mindestens Richard Strauss – brachten ihr nach der Arie „Porgi, amor“ Brava-Rufe.
Soprano Ailyn Pérez speaks with Debra Lew Harder about her role as Tatiana in Eugene Onegin
Ailyn Pérez triumphs as Tatyana in Met Opera's Eugene Onegin revival
Ailyn Pérez chante Manon d'une voix vaillante, avec un son pleinement lyrique et habile
Ailyn Perez was an incredibly emotional Mimì with impeccable style and good singing.
Un’eccellente Ailyn Pérez ha cantato nel ruolo di Tosca: non è infatti facile trovare oggi, sui palcoscenici mondiali, un ritratto migliore di quello delineato dal soprano americano, che pure ha debuttato da poco nella p
In “Falstaff” the tricking and trapping of the libertine knight is masterminded by Alice Ford, one of the merry wives of Windsor — sung in Florence with lovely vivacity by the soprano Ailyn Pérez …
Her powerful, agile soprano is bright and clear, but with a burnished sheen.
The soloists were excellent. Pérez sang beautifully, with radiant sound — sometimes seeming angelic, sometimes fiery.
Soprano Ailyn Pérez, in voice and bearing, was the very embodiment of it in the title role.
To Chicago native Ailyn Pérez, Latin American and Spanish music have been instrumental in her development as a soprano singer.
Ailyn es actualmente parte de Opera for Peace-Leading Young Voices of the World, un movimiento cultural que busca reflejar la diversidad del mundo, para contribuir a construir un futuro más inclusivo.
MasterVoices will present Work, the second chapter of a four-part virtual rollout of award-winning composer Adam Guettel's theatrical song cycle, Myths and Hymns.
Die Staatsoper bringt am Mittwoch Verdis "Falstaff" als Premiere online im Nationaltheater heraus. Die amerikanische Sopranistin Ailyn Pérez singt die Alice.
Parla il soprano ancora in scena oggi e martedì con Puccini
Weltweit sind Künstler von Schließungen bertroffen - wie sie diese Zeit erlebt haben, schildern auf Nachfrage von Yeri Han in persönlichen Texten Ailyn Pèrez ...
Hear singers perform excerpts from productions that were canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Op de cover van haar nieuwe album Mi Corazón kijkt sopraan Ailyn Pérez je recht aan. Het is een heel bewuste keuze. Ze kruipt dit keer niet in de huid van andere vrouwen, ze is geheel zichzelf.
In view of the enormous stage and voice presence of Ailyn Pérez's Manon Lescaut, is self-explanatory. It is not only her erotic charisma, but also her dazzling, complex personality that makes the difference.
Ailyn Pérez is a deeply moving Antonia whose fate merges, in Carsen's vision, with that of Don Giovanni's Donna Elvira. From start to finish, she delivers a delicate and subtle song, with impeccable pronunciation.
Ailyn Pérez was named one of Place de l’Opera's best interviews of 2019.
Place de l'Opera named Dutch National Opera's production of Pagliacci / Cavalleria rusticana one of their top five operas seen in the Netherlands this year.
Pérez and Guerrero are good friends with terrific stage chemistry, and they playfully danced, laughed, embraced, held hands and shared nose-to-nose intimacy as they sang the romantic songs to each other.
Ailyn Pérez is featured in Das Opernglas' November issue in their "Namen und Daten" section. The magazine highlights her exciting upcoming performances this season.
Ailyn Pérez brought down the house demonstrating she has one of the best instruments currently performing in the world. Her first aria “Chi il sogno di Doretta” allowed the soprano to display her rich and seductive tone
Ms. Pérez, singing with melting sound and affecting vulnerability, made an endearing Mimì, a sensual young woman not afraid to let go when feelings of romantic longing welled up at the first sight of Rodolfo.
Soprano Ailyn Pérez made a fantastic role debut as Nedda. Besides great personal charm, she had the ideal voice for the role, fleet and silvery in the ballad and becoming fuller and juicier at dramatic climaxes.
Previously, I was constantly concentrating on my voice. I almost have a marriage relationship with my voice, because I love my art form and think I should be careful and respectful with my voice.
This week we sat down with eminent operatic superstar Ailyn Pérez to get an insight into her unique mindset.
Ailyn Pérez sat down with Zsolt Bognár from the award-winning series Living the Classical Life to discuss her very personal concept of success, the dangers of throwing oneself completely into a tragic role, and more.
Alles an ihrem Singen, ihrem Spielen, ihrer Energie, ihrer Anmut, ihrem Aufbäumen gegen den Tod ist Ausdruckskraft.
Ailyn Pérez was a fabulous Micaëla, singing a heartfelt “Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante”, rich in tone, the highlight of the evening.
Ailyn Pérez was a guest on BBC Radio 3’s program, "In Tune," with Sean Rafferty. Ms. Pérez had the pleasure of singing Micaëla’s area, in time for her upcoming performances as Micaëla at the Royal Opera House.
Ailyn Pérez projects passion as Donna Anna—especially in her empowering aria “Or sai chi l’onore”—and her magnetic stage presence is fiery...
Now the soprano returns to the Houston Grand Opera where she has debuted numerous roles and has had some of her greatest successes to date.
I think that the reason that it’s important to mention our heritage is that it is time that people of all backgrounds feel proud of where they came from because we are all equals.
AILYN PÉREZ'S creamy soprano elevates all the roles she sings. When she returned to Mimì, a signature part, at the Met this past winter, she entered with an abundance of beautiful tone...
La gran diva habla sobre sus orígenes en Chicago, sus motivaciones para estudiar bel canto y, sobre todo, de la gran influencia que ha tenido Plácido Domingo en su carrera profesional
Traveling is stressful for most people and definitely has to be wisely planned when I take my sweet girl, Tequila.
Pérez had her typical polish — an easy, bell-like sound to her voice and the feeling that she was relishing the part.
This expansive line has always been one of Pérez’s greatest strengths as an artist, but she also displayed great vocal nimbleness coupled with impeccable diction throughout.
The star of the evening, however, was the American soprano Ailyn Pérez , who maintained a high level of vocal artistry throughout the evening...
Oggi abbiamo l’immenso piacere di intervistare Ailyn Perez, una delle poche artiste che può vantare una carriera internazionale nei teatri più importanti del mondo...
This year’s honorees – mezzo-soprano Rosalind Elias, stage director and designer Laurent Pelly, soprano Ailyn Pérez, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni and tenor Ramón Vargas.
The OBS boys go ‘Inside the Huddle’ with soprano Ailyn Pérez, who was just named a 2019 ‘Opera News’ Awards Honoree…
Ailyn Pérez (Elvira) che vanta un bel timbro e notevole agilità...
Abbiamo intervistato Ailyn Pérez nella fase del trucco prima dei Green Carpet Fashion Awards...
Opera star Ailyn Pérez talks to Lynda Baquero about her work inspiring school children.
Nuestra Orietta De Luque nos cuenta en exclusiva la inspiradora historia de Ailyn Pérez.
... Gerald Finley and Ailyn Pérez simply at their very best as the two competing forces of this opera. This was arguably the first truly incredible performance of the 2017-18 season with every piece fitting perfectly.
El reconocido tenor español, Plácido Domingo, nos cuenta cómo encontró a Ailyn Pérez, la soprano que cantará junto a él en la ópera “Romeo y Julieta”.
There was a touch of dialogue in her articulation, which added to the sense of drama she projected, as in the high-flying passage in “Ecoutez! Ecoutez!” ... this was mellifluous and shining, bright vocalism.
Soprano Ailyn Pérez joins Merrin Lazyan in the studio to chat about singing the star-crossed leading lady in Gounod’s “Roméo et Juliette” at The Metropolitan Opera.
In this week's episode, we dig deeper into Ailyn's backstory to talk about her earliest influences, her belief in the importance of arts education, and her lifelong love of mariachi music.
Internationally acclaimed soprano Ailyn Pérez returned to her hometown to perform in Gounod's Faust at Lyric Opera of Chicago.
Pérez invested Marguerite’s music with ravishing delicacy and grace, and had no trouble summoning full-toned intensity for the character’s emotionally fraught scenes later in the opera ...
La soprano originaria de Chicago y de raíces mexicanas protagoniza la ópera ‘Faust.'
Hija de inmigrantes mexicanos, Pérez nació y creció en el sur de Chicago.
Auf der Highschool sang sie noch Musical, heute ist Ailyn Pérez eine der gefragtesten Opernsängerinnen ihrer Generation.
This week, Pérez returns to her hometown to sing her first staged opera at the Lyric Opera of Chicago after a successful debut in celebrating Plácido Domingo last season.
"We're so proud of her and she deserves all of the recognition she has received," said Jerome "Jerry" Swanson, Perez's former choral teacher ...
This Valentine's Day, we asked soprano Ailyn Pérez and bass Matthew Curran about the joys and challenges of sharing their profession and their life — plus, top tips for long-lasting love.
New York City Ballet Principal Dancer Sterling Hyltin, opera star Ailyn Pérez, and Juilliard vocal coach and Shakespeare specialist Andrew Wade share their thoughts on this timeless classic ...
Ailyn Pérez works with students from Celia Cruz High School in the Bronx, and shares the importance of arts education in our communities.
8. “Ernani” at the Teatro alla Scala: Verdi’s early masterpiece will be revived at the Teatro alla Scala in Sven-Eric Bechtolf new production. Rising star Ailyn Pérez makes her role debut at Elvira...
Pérez, singing her first Contessa at the Met, was undeniably the vocal gem of the night. From the opening phrases of “Porgi, Amor” it was clear that she was a fragile woman who is hanging by a thread emotionally."
The performance was quite a spectacle and it is quite surprising that the low-ceiling apartment didn’t fall apart with the booming sounds of the two singers."
Her “Un bel di vedremo” also showed Perez’s affinity for verismo ... When the aria went to it climactic B flat, Perez’s voice grew richer and more devastating."
Soprano Ailyn Pérez joins us to discuss her debut role in Massenet’s "Thaïs" at the Metropolitan Opera.
The Young People's Chorus of New York City (YPC) celebrates the holidays at Carnegie Hall with its Winter Wonder program featuring soprano and Metropolitan Opera star Ailyn Pérez as guest artist on Thursday, December 14.
So many Academy of Vocal Arts alumni have made the cover of Opera News in recent years that the lobby walls at the conservatory’s Spruce Street headquarters are lined with the magazine’s covers. And amid this walk of fam
The soprano’s sound was rounded and lustrous all afternoon ... Pérez seemed to hold time in her hand, the measures going past but the expression concentrated on unveiling the layers of her personality."
Hija de inmigrantes mexicanos, nacida en Chicago y criada en el suburbio de Elk Grove, Illinois, la soprano Ailyn Pérez creció escuchando la música de intérpretes como Juan Gabriel y Vicente Fernández."
American soprano Ailyn Pérez dominated among the four soloists with an appealing performance in all aspects, as an artist she was clearly aware of the exceptional moment and venue."
Ailyn Pérez speaks about her love of Dvorak's music, which she performs in her debut in Prague.
"Soprán v rekviem většinou dostává andělskou roli, má být jakýmsi hlasem shůry. U Dvořáka je to ale jiné," říká.
Ailyn Pérez’s determination has brought her success in the operatic arts. At IU, skilled professors in the Jacobs School of Music worked closely with Pérez.
Pure Magic: Soprano Ailyn Pérez casts her spell at the Met this autumn as Thaïs
Ailyn Pérez is one of today’s rising stars in the opera world. She has slowly built her career with a varied repertoire that has shown her versatility and acting chops.
Ailyn Pérez július 16-án Rame Lahaj és Gabriele Viviani társaságában lép fel a Margitszigeti Szabadtéri Színpadon. A milánói Scala és a New York-i Metropolitan között ingázó énekes először látogat Budapestre, hogy többek
Ailyn Pérez is the featured artist on the cover of the July issue of Pesti Műsor, a popular culture magazine in Hungary. Ms. Pérez's interview previews her upcoming debut at the Budapesti Nyári Fesztivál, where she will
The American soprano Ailyn Pérez sings in 'La bohème' by Giacomo Puccini at Teatro alla Scala.
Violetta was played by Ailyn Pérez and when she started singing I thought she must have been a mezzo, her voice was so extraordinarily rich."
... soprano Ailyn Pérez says her roots as an alumna of Arlington Heights-based Township High School District 214 are never far from her mind.
Ailyn Pérez made her belated Lyric Opera of Chicago debut at this concert. On the basis of one act of her Violetta, one can only hope that she returns frequently.
.. she amazes here with the magnetism of a prima donna, able to make the listener hang onto to the charm of her sad sentence and pain, but dignified, supported by a voice that works wonders ..."
It’s more than just your life on stage that matters. It’s who you are as a person, how you’re contributing to humanity, and staying grounded, and being generous towards the public and upcoming artists."
Il 26 febbraio la Direzione e i lavoratori del Teatro alla Scala propongono un’anteprima del capolavoro verdiano a metà prezzo per raccogliere fondi per le popolazioni colpite dal terremoto.
The way we teach music, the way we learn languages, the way we're inclusive, music speaks to all of that in terms of diversity and inclusion."
Her recital of turn-of-the-20th-century Spanish and French songs revealed a splendidly supported vocal instrument with just enough edge to give it clean definition, powered by a smart, thoughtful musician and actor."
... soprano Ailyn Pérez and bass Edward Hanlon discuss one of the best-loved operas in the world, Puccini's La Bohème.
... it was the Manon of soprano Ailyn Pérez that made this performance memorable. She transformed the character from a beautiful opportunist into a believable young woman ...
Ailyn Pérez is in the heart of an astonishing career ... She’s just as excited about her upcoming Wolf Trap performance as she is about its starry book-end engagements.
Ailyn Pérez, one of the world's top sopranos, will be performing at the Manoel Theatre on Saturday in what tenor Joseph Calleja has predicted to be a "guaranteed night of vocal fireworks".
This incandescent Juliette grew confidently from childhood to adulthood and moved us profoundly as she died: this performance places Pérez in the top rank of today’s sopranos."
... Pérez responded especially well to the more dramatically charged passages of Juliette's music, as in the Balcony Scene and the great aria 'Amour anime mon courage,' sung with abandon."
Ailyn Pérez speaks with F. Paul Driscoll about singing Mimì in Franco Zeffirelli's iconic production of 'La Bohème' at the Metropolitan Opera.
Her soaring voice movingly scaled from prim to passionate, retaining its shimmer even in Mimì’s final dying words."
... it isn’t too far wide of the mark to say that she is the loveliest Mimi since Mirella Freni."
Ailyn Pérez, an American soprano who previously sang the flighty Musetta in this production, proved a worthy foil as the ailing Mimi, effectively veering between vulnerability and surging strength."
... the touching and musically idiomatic inflections of Ailyn Pérez as Mimì, whose judicious use of sliding attacks and portamento gracefully conveyed the Italian text ..."
Hometown Star, Soprano Ailyn Pérez, Returns to the Windy City for Solo Recital...
'Je veux vivre;' one of our favorite sopranos Ailyn Pérez performed this aria with technical mastery equalled only by the sparkle of youthful high spirits ... Her phrasing is impeccable and her French, perfect."
Peréz continues to amaze. Vocally, her resplendent voice sounds like it is moving into spinto territory, yet her coloratura work and stratospheric high notes remain strong from her earlier years."
Her soprano is one of the glories of the current crop of operatic talent ... her rich, responsive singing found all its usual sheen and nuance."
Pérez was profoundly touching, capturing the character's uncertainty and spinning a profoundly beautiful quiet line ..."
Ailyn Pérez was a firecracker Juliette, a role she sang a decade ago at Wolf Trap, making her a girlish klutz with a fiery spirit. The top of her voice was secure, broad, and confident ..."
... she has a lyrical opulence that blankets the audience with its beauty. She still displays serious coloratura in her Waltz Song, but at this time her Poison Aria is a dramatic gem ..."
Juliette is a role that displays Pérez’ shimmering coloratura in the cleverly staged Je veux vivre and the lyric legato of the love duets ... This role is a particularly felicitous fit for Pérez’ voice ..."
... the magnetic, coloratura soprano Ailyn Pérez ..."
Vocal highlight of the evening, sans doute, goes to Pérez’ account of the punishing “poison aria" ... Pérez makes it her own, the expressive coloratura and trills and high-flying bravura perfectly intact ..."
Everything she did was touched with brilliance. No soprano I can think of could do better and I’m not sure that any other singer now active could equal her Juliette."
... she renders her line “Ah! Je l’ai vu trop tôt sans le connaître” (Too early seen unknown and known too late) with luxuriant tone and affecting emotion ..."
“It’s intense, but it’s beautiful,” Pérez said. “It’s because she’s heroic; she sees past the violence. She’s not being the obedient little girl. She realizes he’s the enemy.”
The Late Late Show's host James Corden is in a funk until he is suddenly joined on set by Ailyn Pérez and Luca Pisaroni singing at full throttle...
Ailyn Pérez: I’m looking at the score fresh, appreciating the music and getting back to the character and putting across telling the story. It’s waking me up to concentrate on who she is, this spirit ...
Pérez is a huge advocate for education and when she found out what Berthezene and Time In kids are doing, she quickly wrote a letter that said "Your program is a dream."
In the role of Musetta, Ailyn Pérez, who recently won the Beverely Sills Award, returned to the Met in one of the most charismatic and show-stopping Musetta's in recent Met seasons."
Ailyn Pérez’s Musetta is like gold. She shines by nature, and her voice gives echoes to the great Maria Callas. This is high praise but well-deserved."
Ailyn Pérez’s warm, rich, supple voice evoked the crucial poignancy for the parte seria of the neglected Countess . . .
When soprano Ailyn Pérez took the stage, the electricity in the room was palpable. With consummate Latin fire, she performed a quartet of songs by the 20th c. Spanish composer Fernando Obradors.
The soprano Ailyn Pérez revealed her interpretive range with characterful renditions of zarzuela selections and a passionate “Ebben! Ne andrò lontana” from Catalani’s “La Wally.”
The best vocal performances came from Ailyn Pérez, who showed a terrific feel for a selection of Spanish songs by Fernando Obradors.
The soprano Ailyn Pérez has won this year’s Beverly Sills Artist Award, which offers a $50,000 prize to help foster the careers of young singers who have appeared in solo roles at the Metropolitan Opera . . .
Ailyn Pérez and F. Paul Driscoll, editor-in-chief of Opera News, sit down with Pei-Sze Cheng to discuss the 11th Annual Opera News Awards.
She’s a jewel, beguiling and pathetic by turns. Can Pérez float a note? Don’t even ask. Her voice gleams with expression, making coloratura seem effortless. Above all, there’s personality in her technique.
Her voice blossomed like the very flowers she was describing ... this Manon became more than the sum of her contradictions. “N’est-ce plus ma main?” at Saint Sulpice set of a seduction worthy of Dalila.
She has a voice that is instantly recognizable as well as technically secure ... Dramatically, she is riveting, as she proved in her recent Dallas appearance in the title role in 'Manon.'
Opera is said to be a high art that is not for the populist ... However, soprano, Ailyn Pérez allows audiences to see what it is like to be an opera singer from backstage pictures to rehearsal pictures.
Pérez is sparkling. She is everything and more than you can ask for in a leading soprano; she's an amazing actress, a deft comedienne and a first-class soprano ... Pérez commands her stage in "Manon."
... her Manon shows her asset as a performer of uncompromising artistic efficacy ... on opening night the audience held its collective breath, transfixed by the rawness of her singing.
Pérez excelled in the legato singing of the hauntingly beautiful (and sentimental) "Adieu, notre petite table" . . . She was triumphant in the brilliant coloratura fireworks of "Je marche sur tous les chemins."
. . . she was fully engaged, putting every bit of her powerful, pliant soprano to use.
Pérez is magnificent as the ill-fated Manon - vocally and dramatically ... she is doing more than just singing. It reminds of the stage presence of someone like Maria Callas.
She inhabited each iteration of her character, running the gamut from ingenue to temptress to conniving sphinx and in spite of her flaws, you can’t help but love her.
Ailyn is featured on WFAA Channel 8 in Dallas to preview her upcoming performances in the title role of Massenet's 'Manon.'
Ailyn Pérez has been on a roll in Texas . . . Now, she returns to Dallas to play the leading role in Massenet’s gorgeously romantic masterpiece, 'Manon.'
Soprano Ailyn Pérez, who displayed a brilliant and glorious soprano as Tatyana Bakst in the company’s recent world premiere of Jake Heggie’s 'Great Scott,' returns as the eponymous courtesan.
Pérez . . . has the gift of a lustrous voice, with complexity and depth . . . Her dignified but heartbreaking admission of her helplessness in the aria “Dove sono” is the highlight of the evening . . .
Luxuriously costumed, Pérez was mesmerizing performing one Mozart’s greatest roles . . .
An excellent cast, led by the particularly notable Countess played by Ailyn Pérez . . . ensure that the rendition is as musically accomplished as it is theatrically effective.
As the Countess, soprano Ailyn Perez tossed off that character's dramatic arias with finesse and dark, honeyed tone. Her voice is full and rich."
Ailyn, for example, can play so many more colors in her role, more than any Countess I've worked with - and sing it stunningly, Rutherford says. With a cast of this caliber, you capitalize on their impulses.
Ailyn Pérez, of the elegant cheekbones and soaring, spirited soprano, was born to play the bad girl. You would never know that when talking to her by phone . . .
“Great Scott” had a shiny first night in the Winspear Opera House . . . Ailyn Pérez feasted on the role of Bakst . . .
. . . a hysterical turn by Ailyn Pérez as the voracious young diva-to-be . . .
Pérez showed off her superstar skills with a formidable program of Russian music.
When I look back at my life, it almost seems like I was destined to become an opera singer.
As the overbearing upstart Bakst, soprano Ailyn Pérez steals the show with her consistently beautiful, glamorous singing . . .
. . . our conversation was filled with equal parts of laughter, serious thought about Great Scott and opera in general.
. . . it was Pérez who stole the show on this occasion with her ripe, chestnut-tinted vocal colorations and seemingly effortless phrasing.
. . . it has been a dream of mine to sing at the Metropolitan Opera ever since I started voice lessons! So it has been everything I dreamed of and more.
. . . opera critics—few critics are harsher—were won over by Pérez’s Metropolitan Opera debut in the role earlier this year, many arguing that she stole the show.
I was so thrilled to meet these young artists at this stage in their life," Perez told Latin Post after the event.
The Chicago-born daughter of first-generation immigrants from Mexico, Pérez is one of few American Hispanic women to sing major roles on the Met stage . . .
Ailyn Pérez sings an excerpt from Micaëla’s aria in Bizet’s “Carmen."
Pérez calls her part of Micaëla, a village maiden in “Carmen,” “the lyric soprano’s debut dream role,” adding that the character has “the most beautiful opening duet” [“Parlez-Moi de Ma Mère”].
"Je suis encore tout étourdie,” from Jules Massenet’s Manon . . . Pérez’s rendition was summed up with two words in this writer’s notes: NAILED IT. The audience ate it up.
Liù once again fared very well in indeed in terms of casting, Ailyn Pérez offering a moving portrayal . . . in which musical and dramatic imperatives were as one.
Perez’s golden tone was spot on throughout the night. Her acting, too, was elegant: Violetta was always dignified, a lady in character if not in name, no matter what awful things the men around her were perpetrating.
Every so often, a singer comes along who completelv bowls you over ... [a] delightful disc ... Perez is completely at home in the Spanish songs in her recital, applving lush, chocolate tones to the material.
You can catch the operatic talents of Elk Grove High School graduate Ailyn Perez when PBS presents “Live From Lincoln Center: The Richard Tucker Opera Gala”
The Chicago-born soprano sings with a warm lyricism that’s perfect for the role of Puccini’s gentle, loving, tubercular seamstress. Her evenly produced, well-focused voice projects effortlessly.
Her voice has a distinctive timbre, with plaintive richness blended into its youthful bloom . . . Ms. Pérez, a beautiful woman who commands the stage, has the makings of a major soprano . . .
A Chicago-born soprano has been chosen to receive the 2012 Richard Tucker Award, presented each year to a U.S. opera singer at the threshold of a major international career.
As the doomed courtesan, Pérez delivered as complete a portrait as one could wish for, and was in beautiful voice all evening. Small wonder she is called one of America’s fastest rising stars . . .
The phrase "an embarrassment of riches" might have been invented to describe the combination of talents that belong to Ailyn Pérez, the Chicago-born lyric soprano who truly seems to have it all.
An ideal Violetta … the bewitching young American soprano puts her heart into every twist of the drama, from the impetuousness of her love for Alfredo…to the febrile emergency of her death...her performance was glorious.
When I heard the refrain from the first act duet from Verdi’s “La Traviata” that she sang with Giuseppe di Stefano, I was in love with the music and the emotion!
Perez's lyric soprano is pure and honeyed in tone, and she deploys it with elegance and tenderness … Perez is also a natural actress . . .
... the American soprano is a revelation. With an ample, sovereign voice and a warm upper register, she graced us with a song that is always very musical and impeccable pronunciation.
Debuting with the Dallas Opera, soprano Ailyn Pérez as Zerlina is sensuous and captivating.
A showstopping "Dove sono," all floating pianissimos and diminuendos and delicate pathos, that roused the sold-out crowd to a long, well-deserved ovation.
Pérez displayed Mimi's vulnerability, and the luster of her voice and depth of expression were assets from her first "Mi chiamano Mimi"
A winsome Adina, Pérez’s soprano brought a graceful élan and subtle gradations of color to Donizetti’s agile melodies