“★★★★★ – Soprano Ailyn Pérez made a fantastic role debut as Nedda. Besides great personal charm, she had the ideal voice for the role, fleet and silvery in the ballad and becoming fuller and juicier at dramatic climaxes.”
Jenny Camilleri – Bachtrack
“Ailyn Pérez (Nedda) and Mattia Olivieri (Silvio) were a heavenly love couple, and Roman Burdenko (Tonio and Alfio) sang the prologue, with which this wonderful evening started at top level.”
{Ailyn Pérez (Nedda) en Mattia Olivieri (Silvio) waren een hemels liefdespaar, en Roman Burdenko (Tonio en Alfio) zong de proloog, waarmee deze schitterende avond begon op topniveau.}
Peter van der Lint – Trouw
“Soprano Ailyn Pérez made Nedda (and as Colombina) a real show character with her mercury-silver sound and smooth, sexy depiction in a tightly tailored dress.”
{Sopraan Ailyn Pérez maakte van Nedda (en als Colombina) een echte showfiguur met haar kwikzilveren geluid en soepele, sexy uitbeelding in een strak getailleerd japonnetje.}
Franz Straatman – Place de l’Opera
“Soprano Ailyn Pérez, taking on the role for the first time, was a fantastic match for the role.
The American soprano has a truly lyrical voice, with a strong center and low register, but flawless and secure high notes with strong potency. She managed the most lyric moments with exquisite mezza voce and clean thrills, especially in her aria “Qual fiamma avea nel guardo!” In this famed passaged she delivered a perfect pianissimo A natural on the phrase “O che bel sole” and sustained fluid legato phrases that require several ascensions to high B flat during her duet with Silvio.
Pérez demonstrated desperation with a ringing high B natural at the conclusion of the work, as well as a solidly sustained line on “Ah! no, per mia madre” or in “al costo de la morte.” Pérez demonstrated that she could easily handle the challenges of this role by transforming from an idealistic youth full of love into a desperate person fighting for her life.
She also managed the physical demands of Carsen’s review splendidly while showing tremendous chemistry with her colleagues.”
Mauricio Villa – OperaWire